One Boy’s Kingdom Legacy

“It’s not what you take when you leave this world behind you. It’s what you leave behind you when you go.” Those words are more than just a catchy line from a Randy Travis song. Those words are the truth of a life well lived for God’s Kingdom, especially when that life only spanned 13 years.

Jade Jarrett was born November 14, 1991, and left this life in a tragic car accident on June 10, 2005. But packed into those 13 years was a ton of athletic talent, a great big smile that matched his great big heart, a maturity that was well beyond his years, and a love for Jesus Christ that opened his heart and life to everyone he met.

Jade was the grandson of longtime BMA pastor and church planter, Charels Burdett. Bro Charles had a tremendous influence on Jade’s life as well as on his faith that helped Jade develop a passion for Jesus Christ and the gospel that rivaled that of his grandfather. Even at his young age, Jade had a huge Kingdom impact on his friends and classmates, even leading several of them to Christ before he was called home to be with the Lord.

But Jade’s Kingdom impact did not stop when he was called home. Inspired by his grandson’s love for Christ and for the gospel, Bro Charles started the Jade Jarrett Educational Foundation. Its intent has always been to help equip young men who share Jade’s passion for the gospel. Through the Jade Jarrett Educational Foundation, scholarships are given to ministry students with a heart for evangelism and plans to attend one of our BMA institutes of higher education.

We serve a God who doesn’t waste things. In the gospels, He refused to waste broken pieces of bread after He fed the multitudes. Throughout history, He has refused to waste the suffering and sacrifices made by His people. And He has been faithful not to waste the tragedy of Jade’s death. His Kingdom legacy is carried on by faithful and godly men like our current BMAT Vice President, Bro Ryan Burchett.

When asked about the impact of the Jade Jarrett Foundation on his ministry, Bro Ryan said “The Jade Jarrett scholarship provided necessary funds for continuing my education. The LORD calls His people, and especially His ministers, to ‘be diligent to present yourself approved by God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth’ (2 Tim. 2:15). This scholarship helped make it possible for me to pursue that.”

Jade Jarrett gave his life to Christ when he was 7 years old and he spent the rest of his life telling the world he knew about the God he loved. The foundation that bears his name is committed to making sure that legacy of love and commitment to Jesus Christ and the Great Commission lives on in the lives and ministries of those who receive his scholarship. That legacy could include you!

This year, the Jade Jarrett Educational Foundation would like to expand its giving to include three (3) $2,500 scholarships for the 2022 school year. If you or someone you know is planning on attending one of our BMA schools and would like to apply for a scholarship, please fill out this application and email it to (MOBILE USERS may need to long-press the link and choose "Download Link".)
